InnovativeIT - Project Management Services
Quick Contact
IT Project Management
Project Management Lifecycles
Project Management Solutions - Request
What would you like assistance with?
Project Audit / Evaluation / Review
Project Management Maturity
Project Management Methodology
Project Planning and Scheduling
Project Recovery
Project Schedules / Risks
Setting up PMO
Project Governance
RFQ process
RFP process
RFS process
Do you want us to help find you Project Managers
Why would you select us over a typical recruitment company?
We only focus on project management
We understand the difference between average and great Project Managers
We have developed a great network over the last 15 years
We standby and support our project managers with advice and consistent methodology, templates, processes
We offer online timesheets and one click approvals
We have a low overhead business and provide competitive pricing
Tell us which of the above you are interested in
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Project Assistance
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Project Assistance
Project Consulting
Hire Project Manager
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